Together for Short Lives
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Sarah Talbot-Williams

Interim Chair of Trustees

Sarah has been a leader in the voluntary sector for more than 20+ years, in the early years leading Communications, Marketing and Campaigning activities for a number of disability and health charities, and in the last 10 years as Chief Executive of both CLIC Sargent, the children’s cancer charity and then Bristol’s NHS Charity, Above & Beyond, where she worked closely with Bristol Children’s Hospital.

Through her work children’s and adult health and social care services, she has developed an active interest particularly in transition, integrative care and support, and living and dying well.

She has actively shown her commitment to voluntary sector governance and has been a Chair, Trustee and committee member of a number of different charities and membership organisations including ACEVO, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Charity, Developing Health and Independence (DHI), BBC Children in Need, and the Association of NHS Charities.

In addition to her Board roles, Sarah is also passionate about keeping in touch frontline services and is an active volunteer and has volunteered in many different settings including Bristol Playbus, Bath’s Soup Run, Alzheimer’s Support, helping run both singing workshops and art classes and rural charity, LINK, supporting the older community.

Since September 2017, she has been running a consultancy focusing on supporting charities with their strategic and governance development, CEO mentoring and coaching. She is also developing a portfolio of non-executive director roles – where her present focus is being a board member for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.

Sarah became Vice Chair of Trustees in March 2023, and has been acting as our Interim Chair of Trustees of Together for Short Lives since early 2024 when our Chair Lisa had to take a step back for personal reasons.

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