Together for Short Lives
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Sue Hogg


Sue Hogg works for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland as Director for Children and Families. In this post, she provides professional leadership, vision and strategic direction for nursing, family support, and allied healthcare professionals across all care services provided by CHAS.

Sue is a registered general and registered sick children’s nurse and worked in hospital and community nursing posts before her first move into children’s palliative care in 1993. Sue joined Children’s Hospice’s Across Scotland in 1996 and has worked in various roles in the organisation since then.

As well as working full time, Sue has undertaken further study, completing a BSc in Nursing Studies and Palliative Care, A Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Education and is currently working towards an MSc in Healthcare Management. Sue was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2005 and completed a Kings Fund Leadership Development Programme in 2011.

Sue is excited about joining the Board at Together for Short Lives and describes the opportunity as:

The icing on the cake of a long professional connection with the organisation. I am aiming to bring an absolute commitment to supporting your team to deliver on the ambition of Together for Short Lives to achieve positive change for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families.


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