Together for Short Lives
Call the Helpline 0808 8088 100

About us

We want to help every child and family living with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition get the very best care and support they can so they can make the most of every moment together

Girl smiling Girl smiling

Making an impact

By supporting and speaking up for children and families, and those that support and care for them, we are driving for a better quality of life and end of life for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. We want to help change lives.

Find out more about what we do and our strategy for change.


Osian’s Story: “Sometimes I think he was looking directly into your soul”

Osian was born at 23 weeks with complex medical needs and died when he was one. We supported his family with a Butterfly Grant

  • This year we paid 674 families an emergency cost of living grant of £250
  • In 2022-23 we raised and distributed £2.3 million to support children's hospices
Dylan and Mum

The grant has helped us massively in not having to worry where the money was going to come from for our energy bills. I am forever grateful.


Seeing, first-hand, what seriously ill children and their families go through every day inspired me to take on the challenge.

Get to know us

We are a UK charity that works both directly and with our members to support children and young people who are expected to have short lives

Get involved in our work and help us to do more