Bereavement support

No one can anticipate how they will feel when they know that their child is likely to die in childhood or early adulthood, and after the death of their child. Whilst it is natural and healthy to grieve, grief can be overwhelming. It’s likely that you’ll need to find some support to help you cope with bereavement. Our Family Support Hub can guide you to where to access this support
The services that have supported your family are best placed to discuss help available to you through the initial stages of your bereavement. Whether it’s counselling, therapies or just time to remember your child as a family, it’s important to feel able to share how you are feeling. Ask those who have supported you for their advice and guidance – for example the community nursing team, medical team or hospice.
There are also many local and national organisations that offer different types of bereavement support – both in person, online and in groups. Details of some are available in our service directory.
Some parents find it comforting to connect with others who have also been bereaved. One way you can do that is through our online ‘Still their parent’ group, which is hosted on Facebook. Follow this link to request to joining this supportive community for bereaved parents who have cared for a child with a serious illness.
And if you’d just like to share your experience, or would like someone to talk to feel free to get in touch. Send us an email or call our helpline on 0808 8088 100.