Sometimes you just need someone to listen, or you have a question but don’t know who to ask.
We provide support, information and a listening ear. We can also help you to access financial and practical support and can signpost you to other charities and organisations who may also be able to help you. Our helpline is confidential, and all calls are answered by staff trained in how to best support you.
Our helpline is available via phone, email or live chat.
- 0808 8088 100
- Live chat at the top of this screen
Open 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Our helpline will be closed from noon on 24 December to 9am on 2 January.
We embrace diversity and support all parents including disabled, LGBTQ+, adoptive and foster parents, and parents from all ethnic, religious and cultural groups. We use Language Line interpreters where needed and can access Relay UK for callers with hearing and/or speech difficulties.