Together for Short Lives’ Family Group
The Together for Short Lives’ Family Group is a supportive community that allows families caring for a seriously ill child to connect, share and support one another.
Families say that being part of the community helps them feel less alone, and that they really value talking to other people who just ‘get it’.
The group is hosted on Facebook, so you will need to have a Facebook profile to join. All posts are private to the group, and members can only join if they have been approved by Together for Short Lives.
You can request to join the group here where you will be asked a few simple questions before joining the group.
It’s the only Facebook group I belong to where I feel I am amongst people in the same position.
A member of the Together for Short Lives' family group
Facebook is a third-party to Together for Short Lives, and by joining the group you acknowledge and accept the usual risks associated with sharing information with and through the platform. To support you to keep your information secure, we have produced a guide to updating your Facebook privacy settings.