Together for Short Lives
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Fundraising for children’s hospices

Caring around the clock for a seriously ill child can be exhausting and isolating, and families can feel pushed to their limits. Many families rely on lifeline support from their local children’s hospice to make the most of every moment they have together – be that years, months, or even hours. Children’s hospices provide expert support to children who are likely to have short lives, when and where they need it – bringing magic to children’s lives.

But children’s hospices are mostly funded by voluntary donations, and 77% expect to raise less money this year than during the pandemic. Which is why a huge part of the work of Together for Short Lives is to help make sure that children’s hospices are never pushed to their limits.

Together for Short Lives delivers national corporate partnerships that raise funds for all 54 children’s hospices, supporting every single community in the UK. Download a PDF map of children’s hospices to find where children’s hospices are located.

Over the last 20 years, Together for Short Lives has worked in partnership with companies like M&S Food, Disney, Hobbycraft and Center Parcs to raise over £28 million for children’s hospices. The money raised has transformed the lives of thousands of seriously ill children across the UK.

  • £28 million

    raised by Together for Short Lives to support children's hospices

Families are pushed to their limits

“From the moment he was born, Aidan has been a happy, smiling, dinosaur-loving boy. But he also has a severe condition that means he requires round the clock care,” says mum Carly, who relies on the support of Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice.

“This last year has been like a pressure cooker for our family. We’re exhausted and worried. We’ve never felt so isolated – thankfully, even during lockdown we could always turn to Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice. They provided emotional and practical support so even when we were cut off from the world outside, we were never totally alone. There are no limits to what Alexander Devine’s team will do for a family like mine.”

Families caring for children with a life-limiting condition are pushed to their limits. Our children’s hospices must never be pushed to theirs.

Please consider supporting our important work to support children’s hospices by making a donation today. Or if you want to get your employer or business involved in our corporate fundraising scheme, please find out more about our company giving scheme company giving scheme here.
