Transition to adult services

Every young person with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition deserves a smooth transition to adult services. Our vision is that all young people approaching adulthood with life-limiting conditions will make the transition to adult services and live their lives as independently as possible according to their wishes, while receiving the care and support they and their families need.
Our Improving Transition for Young People Fund is supporting ten projects to pilot new ways of working in the area of transition. Key information and resources we have developed – including our care pathway and a series of webinars – are all available in our resource library. We also have a Young Experts group of young people aged between 16 and 30 who have experienced transition and help shape our work and priorities. If you have any questions regarding transition please get in touch our helpline.
We have been working with everyone who has an interest in improving transition for young adults with life-limiting conditions for over 10 years – including leading a Transition Taskforce from 2014-2017 – and we will continue to work to break down the barriers that young people face when they need to transition from children’s palliative care services to adult services.
Join our Young Experts
If you're a young person who has experience of transition help us shape our work to drive meaningful change