Together for Short Lives
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Celebrating a life-changing partnership: Together for Short Lives and Morrisons

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We are delighted to announce that our partnership with Morrisons has won the Short-Term Partnership Award at the Third Sector Business Charity Awards in recognition of the transformational impact we have achieved with Morrison in under three years.

Our goals and impact

From the outset, our partnership has been driven by ambitious objectives to bridge the £300 million funding gap for children’s hospices across the UK. Our efforts have focused on raising vital funds for children’s hospices across the country, helping families make precious memories, and reaching even more families caring for a seriously ill child.

Thanks to Morrisons’ support, we have been able to expand our reach and improve services in a variety of different ways. To date (May 2024), we have raised almost £9 million, with a goal to exceed £10 million by October 2024. These funds have already created an incredible legacy of support, enabling children’s hospices to deliver vital care, complete essential building work and purchase new equipment.

Additionally, we have piloted and launched an innovative Outreach Project to connect hundreds of underserved families with support in their local community, and we’ve helped those struggling financially with cost of living and bereavement grants and emergency food deliveries, whilst funding special events for families to make precious memories together that will last a lifetime.

The true heroes of the partnership

The dedication and passion of Morrisons colleagues, along with the support of our customers and suppliers, has made this partnership possible. Thanks to our twinning model, Morrisons and hospice colleagues have worked closely together to raise awareness and money for children’s palliative care.

Morrisons suppliers and customers have also supported us through the Morrisons Every Pack Gives Back promotions, helping us direct funds to underserved families in local communities and complete important building projects to improve care services.

This partnership has been truly transformative for the UK’s 54 children’s hospices and the children’s palliative care network. We are delighted that those who made this happen have been publicly recognized by the Third Sector Business Awards!

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