Consultation on contracting arrangements for Integrated Care Providers (ICPs)
NHS England have launched a consultation on contracting for Integrated Care Providers (ICPs). The consultation provides more detail about how the proposed ICP Contract would underpin integration between services, how it differs from existing NHS contracts, and how ICPs fit into the broader commissioning system.
ICPs are intended to allow health and care organisations to be funded to provide services for a local population in a coordinated way. Following two recent Judicial Reviews which were dismissed, the High Court has twice now ruled that this proposed contractual approach to developing integrated care is lawful; and in a recent report Parliament’s cross-party Health and Social Care Select Committee said ICPs were part of a ‘pragmatic response’ to pressures in the system.
The previous iteration of this contract was referred to as the draft Accountable Care Organisation Contract. The term Integrated Care Provider is in recognition that, as reported by the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee, previous use of the term ‘accountable care’ has generated unwarranted misunderstanding about what is being proposed – which is a move to more integrated care.
Together for Short Lives will be responding to this consultation and invite perspectives and responses to help inform our submission to NHS England.
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