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Implementing the NHS long-term plan

Houses of Parliament
Consultation opens
9 July - 22 August 2019
Deadline to submit comments to Together for Short Lives
15 August 2019
Deadline to submit comments to Health and Social Care Committee
22 August 2019

The Health and Social Care Committee is conducting a short inquiry in the run-up to the November 2019 Budget, aimed at assessing the case for investment in each of the following areas: capital expenditure on the NHS, education and training, social care, and public health, including the impact these areas of spending have on the implementation of the Long-term Plan.

The Committee invites written submissions on:

  • the funding needed in each of these four key areas to support the NHS Long-term Plan
  • the potential impact on the implementation of the Plan of a failure to provide the necessary funding in these areas
  • the impact on the wider economy and other public services of investment in these four areas.

You can read more about the consultation, and read the consultation documents, on the parliament website.

Please email your comments to

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