Social care funding and workforce inquiry
The Health and Social Care Committee has launched an inquiry into social care funding.
The inquiry will seek to establish how much extra funding is needed from the government in each of the next five years to counteract the impact of a shortage of care on the NHS.
MPs will also consider shortages in the social care workforce and what solutions need to be found to address changes in the years ahead.
The Committee welcomes short submissions of evidence addressing the following questions:
- What impact is the current social care funding situation having on the NHS?
- What level of funding is required in each of the next five years to address this?
- What is the extent of current workforce shortages in social care, how will they change over the next five years, and how do they need to be addressed.
The Committee invites evidence from the public, organisations and others with relevant expertise, on the terms of reference. (Please note that submissions don’t need to address all the areas covered in the terms of reference to be accepted).
Each submission should:
- be no more than 3,000 words in length
- be in Word format with as little use of colour or logos as possible
- have numbered paragraphs
Please email any comments you would like to raise in response to the consultation to by Tuesday 7 April.
More information on the inquiry can be found here.