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Welsh Government: National framework for bereavement care

Consultation opens
22 March - 17 May 2021
Deadline to submit comments to Together for Short Lives
10 May 2021
Deadline to submit comments to Welsh Government
17 May 2021

The Welsh Government is consulting on its draft National Framework for the Delivery of Bereavement Services in Wales.

Its vision is for Wales to be a place where everyone has equitable access to high quality bereavement care and support to meet their needs effectively at those times in their lives when they need it most.

The draft Framework sets out: its strategic context, scope, principles, the need for and models of bereavement support, existing provision, learning from COVID-19, how the access to and provision of bereavement services can be improved for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic groups, training for individuals providing bereavement support, and also securing outcomes.

Please email any comments you would like to raise in response to the consultation to by Monday 10 May.

The draft Framework and consultation questions can be accessed here.

Informing our consultation responses