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Welsh Government: nurse staffing levels on paediatric wards

Consultation opens
22 September - 16 December 2020
Deadline to submit comments to Together for Short Lives
9 December 2020
Deadline to submit comments to Welsh Government
16 December 2020

The Welsh Government is consulting on guidance that will extend duties on local health boards and NHS trusts in Wales to calculate and maintain nurse staffing levels to include paediatric wards.

Sections 25B and 25C of the NHS (Wales) Act 2006, as inserted by the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act 2016, place duties on Local Health Boards (LHBs) and NHS trusts (Trusts) in Wales to calculate and maintain the nurse staffing levels for adult acute medical inpatient wards and adult acute surgical inpatient wards. The Welsh Government is now extending the duties in sections 25B and 25C to paediatric inpatient wards.

Please email any comments you would like to raise in response to the consultation to by Friday 9 December.

The consultation documents and questions can be found here.

Informing our consultation responses