24/7 end of life care for children #EveryDayEveryNight
Seriously ill children face a postcode lottery for end of life care. Time is running out for these families, so please act now to help give all children and families in England access to end of life care.
Our report reveals that seriously ill children and their families across England face a postcode lottery when trying to access end of life care at home at night, at weekends and on bank holidays.
We are calling on the government to ensure that all seriously ill children, for whom time is short, have access to 24/7 palliative care. But we need your help too.
Write to your MP now
When Claire’s son George received a terminal diagnosis of Batten Disease in 2017 she relied on the 24/7 support of her local palliative care team. The support helped George and his family enjoy the best quality of life they could with the time they had, and Claire will be forever grateful for the support she received. But in many areas of England families in the same position don’t get the same support, so Claire has written to the Prime Minister to ask him to ensure that families of seriously ill children get the support needed. Please write to your local MP about this now, and share this page using #EveryDayEveryNight.
Write to your MP
Hear from families
What does it means to have 24/7 palliative support? What happens when the 24/7 palliative support isn’t there?
Our new 24/7 report highlights:
Can you do more to help?
You can make a donation to support our work – families that can’t access care #everydayeverynight are suffering and they’re suffering alone. Please help us make sure they can get the vital care they need.