3rd Adam Bojelian Memorial Talk
With thanks to NHS Employers, NHS Confederation and Horizon Leeds, the third Adam Bojelian Memorial Talk #AdsTalk18
NICE Guidance on End of Life care for Infants, Children & Young People – the challenges of capturing the voices of the 49,000 will be given by Dr. Emily Harrop
Emily has been a Consultant in Paediatric Palliative Care at Helen & Douglas House Hospices since 2010. She is also an honorary Consultant at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, where she is the named Consultant for Advance Care Planning. She undertook her specialist training at Great Ormond Street Hospital (including a post graduate diploma in Palliative Medicine); before this she completed a PhD in Neuroscience (Infant Pain) as well as some postgraduate training in Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology.
Her recent roles have included deputy chair of the NICE Clinical Guideline Development Group for End of Life care in Babies, Children & Young People; and membership of the Medicines for Children Research Network (MCRN); as well as the Association of Paediatric Palliative Medicine (APPM) executive committee. In her spare time she enjoys camping on remote Scottish islands in her Mazda Bongo (with her young family); along with just enough running and Iyenga yoga to keep her sane.
Emily’s talk will be chaired by Kath Evans Experience of Care Lead at NHS England and will be followed by a discussion of the issues raised and a short reception. Twitter handle: @KathEvans2
Everyone is warmly welcome.
Please click on the Book Event link to register.