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APPM Conference 2023

16 - 17 November 2023, 12:00am - 12:00am
Association for Paediatric Palliative Medicine
Hilton Birmingham Metropole,The NEC Birmingham, Pendigo Way, Birmingham B40 1PP
From £95 to £300 (early bird discount available until 1 August)

Focussing on transition from paediatric to adult services, we are offering a half day on 16 November on education and training in paediatric palliative care services with keynote speakers Dr Ann Goldman and Dr Rachel Clarke.

A full day on 17 November with keynote speakers Baroness Ilora Finlay of Llandaff and Alex Ruck-Keene KC (Hon).

A great opportunity to catch up with colleagues and, hopefully, learn something new.

The latest edition of the APPM Formulary will be launched at the Conference.

Call for submission of abstract posters on paediatric palliative care. Submissions by 1 August.

Discounted rate for APPM Members.

Professional events