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Enhancing Practice in Palliative Care for Children, Young People and Families

4 March - 20 May 2020, 9:00am - 5:00pm
University of the West of England
UWE Bristol, Glenside Campus

This Module has been designed in close collaboration with practice partners for professionals working in settings that provide children’s palliative care.

Our aim has been to offer a course that:

• Values and builds your existing knowledge and experience

• Explores the key issues facing children’s palliative care practice

• Develops your academic skills and confidence

• Creates a supportive space in which sensitive issues can be discussed

• Encourages you to share ideas to take back into practice Hosted by UWE Bristol at our Glenside Campus, course sessions will be offered by experts in the field from a range of practice and academic roles. The course content includes:

• Psychosocial support throughout the palliative care journey

• Communication

• Multidisciplinary holistic care

• Collaborative working to promote quality of life

Apply Online:

Dates for 2020

4 Mar/18 Mar/1 Apr/ 15 Apr/29 Apr/20 May

Funding may be available to support your learning. Please contact your employer who will advise you. Contact

Module Lead

Dr Antonia Beringer

CPD Team

Tel: +44 (0)117 32 81158


Twitter: @UWEhasCPD #UWEcourses

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