Together for Short Lives
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Enhancing Practice in Palliative Care for Children, Young People and Families

6 March - 15 May 2019, 9:00am - 5:00pm
University of the West of England
Glenside Campus

This module has been designed in collaboration with practice partners in children’s palliative care.

Our aim is to offer a course to professionals working with children and families with palliative care needs in any setting, that:

  • Values and builds your existing knowledge and experience
  • Explores the key issues facing children’s palliative care practice
  • Develops your academic skills and confidence
  • Creates a supportive space in which sensitive issues can be discussed
  • Encourages you to share ideas to take back into practice

Hosted by UWE Bristol at Glenside Campus, course sessions will be offered by experts in the field from a range of practice and academic roles.

Please contact with any questions about the course.

Professional events