Together for Short Lives
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Together for Short Lives Definitions Event – Cardiff

31 October 2023, 9:30am - 3:30pm
Together for Short Lives
Principality Stadium
Westgate Street, Cardiff, CF10 1NS

The Together for Short Lives categories have raised awareness and offered some guidance globally of the types of diagnoses where children would benefit from a palliative care approach. They have been used by national policy makers, commissioners and professionals to inform mapping exercises, needs evaluations, service commissioning, advocacy and recruitment to research.

Twenty-five years on from the initial category development, Together for Short Lives is leading a programme of work (funded by The True Colours Trust) to ascertain how children are best identified as requiring palliative care services. Over a 12 month period we will be running a series of engagement events across the UK. We would like to invite you to join us for our events.

Professional events