Together for Short Lives
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Together for Short Lives & National Energy Action Webinar

18 September 2024, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Together for Short Lives

Join Together for Short Lives, an expert from National Energy Action and professionals from across the children’s palliative care sector.

In the first of our series of webinars we will be joined by an expert in the field from National Energy Action, who will discuss fuel poverty, what it means, who is at risk and how you can recognise and identify a family in a vulnerable situation.

Our specialist Energy Adviser will introduce attendees to our new energy advice service and explain how families can benefit from bespoke 1-1 advice to help lower their bills and save energy. She will explain how families can make a free appointment and will show incredible examples of how she has been able to help families save money since the project launched.

Attendees will also hear from our Family Support Hub manager who will talk through the financial, practical and emotional ways we are able to support families across the country.

This event is open to any professional working with families across the children’s palliative care sector. We encourage you to book a place as soon as possible as we expect this event to be popular.

With thanks to SGN who have made this event possible.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Professional events