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Use of liquidised ‘table food’ diets via gastrostomy Q&A

This resource, produced by a small working party with interdisciplinary representation from British Dietetic Association, Children’s Hospice Southwest, Helen and Douglas House Oxford, and dietitians from two NHS Hospital Trusts, aims to provide questions and answers on the use of blended or liquidised food via gastrostomy. The resource aims to complement and signpost to some of the other guidance and resources already available in this field.

There is currently increasing interest in the use of liquidised food, both in addition to and as a replacement for commercial feeds, particularly amongst children with neurodisability and an unsafe swallow who require home enteral tube feeding. Health care professionals are being asked to support families and carers practically with the use of liquidised food / blended diet, and while there are anecdotal reports of benefit, and little evidence of harm, there is at present little robust research evidence to support this practice.

This resource was updated in November 2019.
