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Difficult conversations for young adults

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We’re proud to be working with the National Council for Palliative Care to develop the Difficult Conversations for Young Adults guidance booklet.

Most young people prefer to think about living than dying, but some find it easier to enjoy life if they can talk about dying, even if it’s occasionally.

The National Council for Palliative Care wants to speak to young adults with life-limiting conditions to find out what they think. Do they want to speak about it? If so, why, when and who with? If not, why?

The guidance aims to help professionals to feel more comfortable about how to approach these kinds of conversations with young people.

What difference will it make?
The guidance we produce will help those who support young people with life-limiting conditions to understand:

  • What it’s like to be a young adult with a life-limiting condition
  • Whether it’s helpful to discuss anything to do with death and dying
  • If so, who with, how and when
  • Different ways of starting conversations
  • What it can be helpful to discuss
  • Where to go for more information or support.

Who can get involved?

Young adults with life-limiting conditions and their family and friends. To take part in a group discussion with other younger people or for more information, please contact Jo Black at or
0207 697 1520

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