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Northern Ireland Department for Education: draft SEN Regulations and SEN Code of Practice

Consultation opens
1 October - 22 December 2020
Deadline to submit comments to Together for Short Lives
15 December 2020
Deadline to submit comments to Northern Ireland Department for Education
22 December 2020

The Department for Education in Northern Ireland has opened a consultation on its new draft SEN Regulations and draft SEN Code of Practice.

This includes two individual consultations. The first looks at the new Code of Practice. The Code of Practice translates the draft SEN law into clear and practical guidance for those involved in identifying and assessing children who have, or may have, SEN and for those who provide special educational provision for children with SEN.

The second focuses on the draft Regulations. The Regulations provide the detailed processes and timescales to be followed by Boards of Governors, the Education Authority (EA) and health and social care authorities (this includes the Health and Social Care Trusts – HSC Trusts) to carry out their statutory duties to identify and assess if a child has, or may have, special educational needs and to put in place special education provision for those children who have.

Please email any comments you would like to raise in response to both consultations to by Tuesday 15 December.

Find out more information on the SEN Code of Practice consultation here.

Find out more information on the SEN Regulations consultation here.

Informing our consultation responses