Our new animation shows the daily challenges families face caring for a child with a life-shortening condition, and the impact on family life. Through My Eyes raises awareness of the pressures facing families providing round the clock care and highlights the range of services providing vital support.
The moving film is told from the point of view of a mother looking after her daughter and focuses on the difficulty coping with the ‘everyday’ pressures of family life on top of caring for a child with complex and unpredictable medical needs. The script was developed using the words of real families, and was created and produced for Together for Short Lives by creative animation studio, The Like Minded.
Barbara Gelb, Chief Executive of Together for Short Lives said:
“We are delighted with our new animation Through My Eyes. We worked very closely with the team at The Like Minded to develop the film, drawing on our experience of working with families and the service that support them. We want families to know that they are not alone; with help and support from a wide range of great charities and services, dedicated hospital and community nursing teams, families can make the most of every moment together.”
Nick Peperell, Joint CEO of The Like Minded said:
“The Like Minded animation studio approached Together for Short Lives to see if we could create an impactful story to support their work. The studio has loved building a thoughtful character animation that shares a day in the life of a family with a child who has a life- shortening condition. Working on such an important project has been valuable for us as a team and highly rewarding. We believe that the film shows how character animation, often thought of as playful, can be thoughtful and hard hitting, evoking a strong emotional response. We hope that this piece of work can go some way to encouraging people to support this very important charity by giving what they can to a very worthy cause now.”
Read Through My Eyes blog by parent Jane Green.
Through My Eyes was premiered at Together for Short Lives’ star-studded Midsummer Ball this June. Read more about our Midsummer Ball event.