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Together for Short Lives releases top 5 “Life’s short” moments for Children’s Hospice Week

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"The children enjoy fun time spent with the family"

We’ve revealed the top 5 moments that matter for seriously ill children across the UK to mark the beginning of Children’s Hospice Week 2018.

The top 5 is based on the results of a survey asking seriously ill children supported by children’s hospices across the UK what they love to do. Children and their families told us that they loved:

  1. Cuddles
    Isabel, aged one, is supported by Julia’s House. “Isabel can never have too many massages and cuddles – she adores cuddles,” says her mum, Shelley. “She loves having baths too – she’s secretly a mermaid!”
  2. Music
    Ava is ten. Her mum, Liz, says, “Music is definitely number 1 for Ava! It has the ability to get through when nothing else can. When she’s well it excites her, she can feel the beat and rhythm penetrating through her body and it tells a story. When she’s unwell, it calms and soothes her and takes her away to a safe place where the pain melts away.”
  3. Spending time with family
    Myles, aged 2, is supported by Richard House. His dad Jerry said, “[Hospices are] like a brilliant extended family member offering families and children joy, happiness, and the ability to be included in the normal activities of family life taking away those barriers.”
  4. Playing outside
    Henrique, aged 4, is supported by Richard House. His mum Andreia said, “The children enjoy fun time spent with the family. It does not have to be doing anything fancy or expensive but usually they prefer activities outside the house.”
  5. Days out
    Carmela, aged 4, supported by Julia’s House. Her mum, Lucy, said, “The first time the carers took Carmela riding I walked round with them, listening to her laughing and squealing with joy and I just cried and cried, tears of happiness. You can’t put a price on that.”

Support Children’s Hospice Week

Now in its 21st year, Children’s Hospice week is the only week in the year dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the lifeline children’s hospice services across the UK, and the thousands of seriously ill children and young people that they support. This year we’re encouraging supporters to reflect on their own special moments with this year’s theme: ‘Life’s short’. It’s a phrase we all use, but it’s particularly poignant for children with life-limiting conditions. They simply do not have time to waste.

To support the campaign you can share your own #LifesShort moment on social media, or donate to help create more moments that matter in all 54 children’s hospices across the UK.

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