Together for Short Lives
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Standards Framework for Children’s Palliative Care

Together for Short Lives promotes a care pathway approach to children’s palliative care, and has produced three care pathways which relate to different age groups, and a further one specifically focused on making choices surrounding the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. Giving families real choice is key to the care pathway approach: a choice of place of care, a choice of place of death, a choice of emotional and bereavement support, and putting the child and family at the centre of decision making to produce a care plan that is right for them.

This standards document sets out the key standards that form the back bone of these four care pathways, for easy reference. It also includes self-assessment audit tools relating to these standards, so you and your colleagues can map how your service currently performs and think about how to develop the areas where the standards may not be fully met.

The framework is available as a free download using the link on this page.
