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News and Comment

Read the latest news about Together for Short Lives and children’s palliative care. For press enquiries see our Media Centre. Keep up-to-date with the latest news by signing up to our news bulletin and by following us on Twitter 

Bereaved parents shouldn’t have to fight

Date Posted
4 February, 2016
Barbara Gelb OBE

Losing a baby or child is always immensely distressing – and a lack of joined up bereavement care is leaving many parents without adequate support when they need it the most. Unless you were watching Victoria Derbyshire’s show earlier you may have...

A crisis in palliative care for children

Date Posted
13 January, 2016
Barbara Gelb OBE

These children have the weakest voice, their voice is not heard, they do not influence elections As we wake up to a new year we also need to wake up to the potential of a crisis in palliative care for...

NICE publishes new guidelines on care for dying adults

Date Posted
16 December, 2015

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has today published new guidance ‘Care of the Dying Adult’. The new clinical guidelines were developed following criticism of the Liverpool Care Pathway and follow a consultation process in which Together...

Minister offers to discuss baby mobility benefit bar

Date Posted
16 December, 2015

During a debate in the House of Lords Monday 14 December, Lord Freud (Minister for Work and Pensions) invited Together for Short Lives to meet with him to discuss our call for seriously ill babies and young children to be...

Lords must act on baby mobility benefit

Date Posted
8 December, 2015
Barbara Gelb OBE

Parents of seriously ill babies make enormous sacrifices – but being able to leave the house as a family shouldn’t be one of them. Tomorrow, members of the House of Lords (or ‘peers’) have an opportunity to give an amazing...


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