Together for Short Lives
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News and Comment

Read the latest news about Together for Short Lives and children’s palliative care. For press enquiries see our Media Centre. Keep up-to-date with the latest news by signing up to our news bulletin and by following us on Twitter 

New films explain how help is at hand for families

Date Posted
18 April, 2016

Caring for a child with a life-shortening condition turns family life upside down. Parents don’t always know what support is available to them and so may not get the help and advice they so desperately need. Together for Short Lives has produced a...

Joint commissioning for children’s palliative care

Date Posted
16 April, 2016

Our resource is designed to support clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local authorities in England to effectively commission palliative care for children and young people aged 0–25. Produced as part of our Department for Education-funded special educational needs and disability (SEND)...

Welcome funding boost for children’s hospices

Date Posted
11 April, 2016

Together for Short Lives has welcomed the Government’s decision to award millions of pounds to children’s hospices to improve the physical environments in which they provide care. The Government has made £60million available to all adult’s and children’s hospices in...

Transforming care for seriously ill children in Scotland

Date Posted
22 March, 2016

Together for Short Lives, the UK charity for children with life-shortening conditions, is calling on the parties in the Scottish Parliament to commit to better palliative care for children in their upcoming election manifestos. There are estimated to be over...


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