Coronavirus: Guidance for professionals
Together for Short Lives has worked in partnership with RCPCH, The CoLab and BACD to develop some advice for dealing with Coronavirus for professionals caring for children and young people with medical complexity or a life-limiting condition
Whilst you will all be referring to official NHSE guidance that has been published, including the Standard Operating Procedure published on 26 June we thought it would be helpful to draw together key information and some practical tips for those working on the frontline with medically complex and life-limited children and their families during the Coronavirus pandemic.
This is intended to provide some useful and practical tips, resources and ideas that have been shared with us by health professionals from their experience.
For official NHSE and NICE guidance and guidance from health bodies please refer to section one below “National Guidance”. We’ve also included these links in the right-hand sidebar.
Please do share your own useful tips, ideas and resources with us so that we can update this page regularly. Email
Share your innovations
We have launched a project to capture information about the range of new service developments and innovations that have been introduced during Covid-19 and will share these on the members' area of our website. We plan to analyse these and produce a report to share all the valuable learning. If you would like to submit information about your own service developments, use the online form.