Running your service

This section provides resources to help you run your volunteer service day-to-day, including supervising volunteers, ensuring all policies are in place and keeping good records. You can also click on the links to any of the other sections below.
First check your progress: You can access a simple checklist of steps here, to see what you are already doing well and what gaps you might want to fill.
Supervising volunteers
Recruiting and training volunteers is only the start of building a good quality volunteering service. To keep volunteers supported and motivated and to make sure any issues can be dealt with appropriately, it is important to check-in regularly with volunteers. This might include a monthly phone call, a quarterly one-to-one meeting or a group gathering every six months, for example. Volunteers should have a contact person to call at any time, but build in regular time to touch base with volunteers too.
Resources that might help you include:
Supporting volunteers
When planning your service, you will probably have thought through all the policies needed to iron out any issues and ensure that all parties are clear about the roles and boundaries of volunteers. Referring to and regularly updating these policies and forms will help you run your volunteer service effectively.
Volunteers need a quick and easy process to claim any expenses and to be very clear about what they are and are not encouraged to do as a volunteer.
Many organisations already have policies about lone workers, health and safety when working in people’s homes or expense claim forms. Use whatever fits in with your organisation. It can sometimes help to see what others have used though or to get tips for ways to strengthen your existing documents. Resources that might help you include:
- A family support volunteer profile
- Suggested polices and documents list for organisations growing Family Support Volunteering services
- WhatsApp guidelines
- Volunteer expense policy
- Volunteer expense claim form
- Volunteer drivers handbook
- Health and safety policy
- Risk assessment tools
- Risk assessment checklist for practical tasks
- Examples of certificates to give volunteers
- End of placement process
Keeping good records
As your volunteer support service gets up and running it is essential to keep good records about who is involved and what type of support is being provided. This will help you make a case about the value of your service so it can continue. You could also ask volunteers to submit a record about every visit they make so you are up to date with what happened and can address any issues.
Building in ways to collect feedback from volunteers and families before they start the service and several months later will help you keep improving what you’re doing as well as showing you act on any suggestions made.
Resources that might help you include:
- Excel spreadsheet to keep records of families and volunteers involved
- Record sheet to be completed by volunteers after every visit
- Tips for monitoring your impacts and example survey tools
- Excel spreadsheet to help analyse your data from surveys
- Example of monthly / quarterly progress report to keep track of services
- Matching database to help keep track of placements and reviews
Next Steps
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